Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ljubljana - Abandoned hospital

I stumbled upon this building by coincidence so you will excuse me that the photos were taken with my phone.

When I was there, those rooms were just at the beginning of renovation. M.


  1. Ljubljana? I know Ljubliana preety good, but never heard about that hospital. Is it abandoned or they are renovating it?
    Where is it? Part of biiig hospital near center? Klinicne centre?

    1. Yes this was/is part of big hospital near city centre. I think it was abandoned for a few years (at least 5 years, I could be wrong). As I said part of the building was still used (first floor) for research labs, this was 2nd and third floor. It looked pretty abandoned to me - Im talking about typewriters and currency that has not been used in our country at least for 4 years. When I was there they just started cleaning the rooms for renovation I guess. I dont know what is there now, but I was already thinking about finding out.

  2. You didnt answer my question :)

  3. I ill come to Slovenie again in summer, and I'd really love to go here

    1. I think its renovated now. These photos were taken 2 years ago, but I will ask around.

  4. Mojca Imaš s temi fotografijami v mislih staro bolnico nasproti naše slavne cukrarne? Ukvarjam se s zapuščenimi lokacijami po CELI Sloveniji in če me pot zanese tudi v tujini. Vesela sem, da sem videla slike iz Cukrarne, ko je bil dostop vanjo še mogoče. No tudi sedaj je, če ga najdeš... Pravi urban explorerji vedno najdemo način, če tudi plezamo ali se plazimo, vdremo, najdemo... ČE je na slikah zares ta bolnica ti lahko iz prve roke povem, da je 2,3 nadstropje še vedno prazno kot tudi nekaj kletnih prostorov. Zanimivo mi je, da je imel moj mož tam diabetologa, ki nama je zatrjeval, da je cela bolnica še vedno v uporabi. Mimogrede sem vesela slik tudi od gradu v Dolu pri Ljubljani. Mož je kot otrok zahajal VSAK dan v grad, ko je bežal od doma kjer je bil doma v Dolu. Zanimivo mu bo pokazati tvoje slike po vseh teh letih, ko je 10 let nazaj šel od doma. Torej 2005 leta, on pa je hodil noter, ko grad še ni bil takšna razvalina, kot mali deček... Zanimivo... Če si ŠE vedno rada ogledaš kakšen objekt, dobrodošla! ;)
